Thursday, January 4, 2007

Sunshine and Rain

Today Mike had a great end of year review at work, which made us proud.

The other highlight of our day included Alyssa walking smack into the kitchen counter. It is just so hard not to laugh! She has been doing this lately. The other day it was a glass window. She definitely has her mom's gracefulness!

We also managed to gather up the energy to take her for a walk today, but when we got outside realized it was raining. We went anyway. There's nothing like a disappointed toddler to make you do crazy things like walk miles in the rain. The other downside (you know, other than the rain) was Alyssa muttering that everything along the way was dirty. Dirty slide, dirty stair, dirty bum mom you just sat in dirt...


homeschoolpianogirl said...

Hi this is Grace! keep up the good work! and i will visit your blog!

homeschoolpianogirl said...

Hey Kubiks! keep up up dating your blog! i would love to read and see what you think and say!