Monday, February 8, 2010

Dan and Kate's Super bowl Party!

We all had a great time teasing one another all night. We had Colts fans as well as Saints fans...and even one seriously depressed Vikings fan...despite our differences, though, we thoroughly enjoyed our evening. The women gabbed, the men... didn't (we joked at how glued they were to the game, it was a good game), and the kids played. Oh and there was even a chocolate fondue set. Does life seriously get any better than that?!


Kate Ambrose said...

We had so much fun having you guys over! Can't wait for the next time we get together! By the end of the night the depressed Vikings fan was a lot more chipper than Jim... Poor guy still isn't over the loss!

Kate Ambrose said...

P.S. I love the disdain with which I am looking at the camera, and the bow the girls put in my hair. Just beautiful. :)

Mom said...

I know, you look so thrilled!!! HA! Good memories :)